The first part is called Gatekeeper except you won't find something called Gatekeeper anywhere on your Mac anymore. Now this protection software is in three parts. They just quietly built it into the operating system and it protects you. They don't want to talk about how there are trojans out there for the Mac. They don't talk about this much because, of course, they don't want to publicize that part of it. For years now Apple has include anti-malware software built into the operating system. The good news is that the best software for the job is already on your Mac. Now you want to prevent that malware from getting on your Mac.
#Hyro bereda mac virus software install#
Sometimes the malware comes along for the ride when you install the software. Sometimes that software itself is malware. These are pieces of software that you install yourself because you've been tricked into downloading software from a site you shouldn't trust. A virus is just one type of malware and it's rare today. You're looking for anti-malware software. You're not really looking for anti-virus software. A lot of times people say I just don't feel comfortable not running anti-virus software or my company says I have to have it on my computer. So I often get asked what's the best anti-virus software for the Mac. Find out how you can become a part of it at /patreon. MacMost is brought to you by a community of more than 350 supporters. Today let's look at the best anti-virus software for your Mac.
Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with.
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